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- in business. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines communication as “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a...4 КБ (553 слова) - 11:46, 22 июля 2023
- "FFFFFF")) AS ?rgb). BIND(IF(?auto_okrug != '',?auto_okrug, ?subjects) AS ?subject). BIND(IF(?auto_okrug != '',?auto_okrugLabel,?subjectsLable) AS ?subjectLable)...44 КБ (2344 слова) - 17:27, 21 ноября 2021
- more than 1 time SELECT DISTINCT (SAMPLE(?year) AS ?year) (COUNT(?year) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?parkLabel) AS ?parkLabel) WHERE { ?object (wdt:P31) wd:Q46169...31 КБ (2332 слова) - 15:37, 26 сентября 2022
- naut) AS ?item). BIND(IF(?toggle,?sLabel,?nautLabel) AS ?itemLabel). BIND(IF(?toggle,"FFFFFF","7FFF00") AS ?rgb_source). BIND(IF(?toggle,"",?s) AS ?link)...24 КБ (1583 слова) - 23:14, 9 января 2022
- seiyu) AS ?item). BIND(IF(?toggle,?animeLabel,?seiyuLabel) AS ?itemLabel). BIND(IF(?toggle,"FFFFFF","7FFF00") AS ?rgb). BIND(IF(?toggle,"",?anime) AS ?link)...32 КБ (2558 слов) - 11:48, 22 июля 2023
- usually stored in the cerebrum. Procedural memory consists mostly of implicit (as opposed to conscious) recall of certain motor skills. It is implicit because...8 КБ (1107 слов) - 19:50, 11 марта 2020
- получить, напишем небольшую программу: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np y = np.random.randn(1000) plt.hist(y, 25) plt.show() Не удивляйтесь...18 КБ (1442 слова) - 18:23, 8 ноября 2014
- of musical works for all subclasses SELECT (SUM(?count) AS ?sum) WHERE{ SELECT (COUNT(?music) AS ?count) WHERE { ?type wdt:P279* wd:Q105543609. # subclass...34 КБ (1833 слова) - 08:47, 22 декабря 2024
- COUNT() в SPARQL-запросе. # Number of human settlements SELECT (COUNT(?hum) AS ?count) WHERE { ?hum wdt:P31 wd:Q486972. # instance of human settlement }...77 КБ (2789 слов) - 07:58, 16 мая 2022
- list of genres of video games by count SELECT ?genre ?genreLabel (count(*) as ?count) WHERE { ?game wdt:P31 wd:Q7889. # Instances of video game ?game wdt:P136...9 КБ (787 слов) - 20:57, 18 мая 2021
- #added 2017-03 #defaultView:BarChart SELECT (str(?decade) AS ?decade) (COUNT(?inception) AS ?quantity) # number of "inceptions" ... WHERE { ?item wdt:P31...27 КБ (1200 слов) - 05:51, 31 мая 2017
- add the endings -ei, -ás, -á, -emos, -eis, -ão to any infinitive: Viajar ei sozinho. I shall/will travel alone. O avião sair á às nove. The plane will...11 КБ (661 слово) - 12:21, 28 сентября 2018
- population_city) as ?sum) WHERE { # Selecting total population of items which are SELECT (MAX(xsd:integer(REPLACE(STR(?population),"\\.",""))) as ?population_city)...46 КБ (2647 слов) - 10:32, 2 августа 2022
- I. Recurrent patterns As mentioned above the coordination between the salutation and the complimentary close should be observed in the most typical business...499 байт (65 слов) - 11:46, 22 июля 2023
- Плохое оформление скрипта # 26.10.2017 SELECT ?countryLabel (SUM(?population) as ?sumPopulation) WHERE { ?hum wdt:P31 wd:Q486972; # instances of human settlement...6 КБ (436 слов) - 18:43, 4 апреля 2022
- koseri--Citrobacter cells are isolated from water, sewage, soils, and food, as well as from the feces of man and other animals, where they may be normal inhabitants...18 КБ (466 слов) - 13:16, 20 марта 2011
- Особенности деловой переписки на английском языке (раздел «Unit 1. The English language as a means of business communication»)the probable perspective of English as a global language according to David Crystal? Why do we speak of English as a global means of communication? What...11 КБ (1034 слова) - 11:45, 22 июля 2023
- are related to each other as derivatives: agent and agency; competition and competitive. Some other terms are associated as general vs particular: broker...939 байт (120 слов) - 11:46, 22 июля 2023
- можем построить график и привести первый пример: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.plot([1, 3, 2, 4]) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x01A00430>]...22 КБ (1690 слов) - 20:25, 24 декабря 2014
- правда ли они распределены равномерно: import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt N = 500 x = range(N) y = [random.uniform(-1,1) for i in x] plt.plot(x...19 КБ (1786 слов) - 12:10, 10 декабря 2013