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Геном прокариот/Материалы:NC 009882

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   LOCUS       NC_009882            1257710 bp    DNA     linear   BCT 03-OCT-2007
   DEFINITION  Rickettsia rickettsii str. 'Sheila Smith', complete genome.
   ACCESSION   NC_009882
   VERSION     NC_009882.1  GI:157827862
   KEYWORDS    .
   SOURCE      Rickettsia rickettsii str. 'Sheila Smith'
     ORGANISM  Rickettsia rickettsii str. 'Sheila Smith'
               Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rickettsiales;
               Rickettsiaceae; Rickettsieae; Rickettsia; spotted fever group.
   REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1257710)
     AUTHORS   Madan,A., Fahey,J., Helton,E., Ketteman,M., Madan,A., Rodrigues,S.,
               Sanchez,A., Dasch,G. and Eremeeva,M.
     TITLE     Complete Genome Sequence of Rickettsia rickettsii
     JOURNAL   Unpublished
   REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1257710)
     CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (03-OCT-2007) National Center for Biotechnology
               Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
   REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1257710)
     AUTHORS   Madan,A., Fahey,J., Helton,E., Ketteman,M., Madan,A., Rodrigues,S.,
               Sanchez,A., Dasch,G. and Eremeeva,M.
     TITLE     Direct Submission
     JOURNAL   Submitted (27-SEP-2007) Neurogenomics Research Lab, University of
               Iowa, 200 B EMRB, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
   COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
               NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from CP000848.
               Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genomes Automatic
               Annotation Pipeline Group.  Information about the Pipeline can be
               found here:
               http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/static/Pipeline.html. Please be
               aware that the annotation is done automatically with little or no
               manual curation.
               COMPLETENESS: full length.

Расположение РНК

Начало Конец Направление Длина PID Ген COG Комментарий
12465 12540 - 76 157827862 A1G_t07527 - 17 Phe tRNA
25907 25981 + 75 157827862 A1G_t07529 - 04 Glu tRNA
105984 106058 + 75 157827862 A1G_t07531 - 12 Thr tRNA
132345 132421 + 77 157827862 A1G_t07533 - 16 Met tRNA
176876 176951 + 76 157827862 A1G_t07535 - 20 Trp tRNA
212299 212374 - 76 157827862 A1G_t07537 - 12 Thr tRNA
289109 289227 + 119 157827862 A1G_r07595 - 5S ribosomal RNA
323597 323673 + 77 157827862 A1G_t07539 - 16 Met tRNA
372475 372549 + 75 157827862 A1G_t07541 - 07 Asn tRNA
487606 487680 + 75 157827862 A1G_t07543 - 19 Cys tRNA
519129 519204 + 76 157827862 A1G_t07545 - 10 Lys tRNA
519219 519295 + 77 157827862 A1G_t07547 - 14 Ile tRNA
622270 622346 - 77 157827862 A1G_t07549 - 06 Asp tRNA
689141 689230 - 90 157827862 A1G_t07551 - 08 Ser tRNA
703715 703791 + 77 157827862 A1G_t07553 - 11 Arg tRNA
703857 703931 - 75 157827862 A1G_t07555 - 05 Gln tRNA
703963 704037 - 75 157827862 A1G_t07557 - 05 Gln tRNA
719618 719693 - 76 157827862 A1G_t07559 - 02 Ala tRNA
723876 723952 + 77 157827862 A1G_t07561 - 13 Val tRNA
747826 747913 + 88 157827862 A1G_t07563 - 08 Ser tRNA
787490 787566 + 77 157827862 A1G_t07565 - 11 Arg tRNA
815032 815106 - 75 157827862 A1G_t07567 - 02 Ala tRNA
826814 826900 + 87 157827862 A1G_t07569 - 15 Leu tRNA
831433 831507 + 75 157827862 A1G_t07571 - 01 Gly tRNA
876489 877996 - 1508 157827862 A1G_r07597 - 16S ribosomal RNA
917470 917545 - 76 157827862 A1G_t07573 - 13 Val tRNA
932921 932994 - 74 157827862 A1G_t07575 - 01 Gly tRNA
933130 933215 - 86 157827862 A1G_t07577 - 18 Tyr tRNA
944567 944652 + 86 157827862 A1G_t07579 - 15 Leu tRNA
988013 988089 + 77 157827862 A1G_t07581 - 09 His tRNA
1035725 1035816 + 92 157827862 A1G_t07583 - 08 Ser tRNA
1086109 1086185 - 77 157827862 A1G_t07585 - 16 Met tRNA
1157282 1157358 + 77 157827862 A1G_t07587 - 03 Pro tRNA
1193995 1194071 - 77 157827862 A1G_t07589 - 11 Arg tRNA
1246198 1246272 - 75 157827862 A1G_t07593 - 12 Thr tRNA