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Особенности деловой переписки на английском языке/§4. Business letter writing through e-mail

Материал из Викиверситета

I. Effective E-mail communication

Email, when used properly, can serve as a means of ongoing promotion for a business.

The following is a list of simple guidelines and tips that might be of help to become an effective email communicator.

  1. Send your emails in plain text. While HTML/rich-text-formatted emails do look much more attractive, they will often be accidentally blocked by anti-spam filters and either show up incorrectly or not at all in various email programs. Plain text, on the other hand, will show up exactly as intended in all email programs.
  2. Include a signature of no more than four lines. Your signature should provide the recipient with a means to contact you other than email, and should mention your company name. A good email signature format will look something like this:

Mike Leblanc

Any Vacuum Cheap

Website: http://www.anyvacuumcheap.ca

Telephone: (905) 509-1661