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Факультет Языка и Литературы (School:Language and Literature)

Материал из Викиверситета
Эта страница является калькой  страницы Англоязычного Викиверситета и предназначена для изучения структуры Wikiversity

FACULTY FOR HUMANITIES Art and Design · Classics · Mythology · Law · Language and Literature · Music · Philosophy · Theology

part of the Faculty for Humanities.

Здравствуйте и добро пожаловать на Факультет Языка и Литературы Викиверситета. Здесь мы делимся нашими знаниями путей и методов написания поэзии и прозы, изучаем языки, которые не входят в понятие "американский английский", а также исследуем их культуры. Также мы обсуждаем множество литературных работ и литературные эпохи, к которым они принадлежат, их историческое развитие и основные характеристики, благодаря которым мы можем их распознать. Наука, изучающая структуру языка и его развитие, называется "Лингвистика". Викиверситетская школа языка - это часть Факультета общественных наук.

Science that studies the structure of a language and its development is called linguistics. Wikiversity's School of Linguistics is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

История школы (School history)


The School of Literature and English Studies was founded within the Wikiversity's Department of Humanities on 15 July 2004, in the time when Wikiversity was still part of the Wikibooks project. Eventually, it became one of the most developed of Wikiversity's schools.

On 30 March 2005, the School of Foreign Language Learning was founded within the Department of Practical Arts and Sciences, though it failed to organize or function adequately.

Soon after the Wikiversity became a separate Wikimedia project, these two schools were merged together, creating the School of Language and Literature, as part of the Faculty of Humanities.

Электронная доска объявлений школы (School bulletin board)

  • We are always looking for contributors to our school--please see our list of projects if you're looking for a place to start! Signed, Trinity507

Notice of New Resources




Departments and divisions


English Departments and Resources


Foreign language learning departments


see also School of Linguistics

all of our potentially valuable but empty, underdeveloped or nonexistent pages

Catalogs and directories


See also
